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Image by Raghavendra V. Konkathi

H1B Visa Process

Teach Dallas Now!

Are you a bilingual educator? Are you seeking a high-paying teaching career in Texas but need an H1B visa?

If so, we work closely with Dallas ISD to recruit and prepare bilingual educators for careers in teaching.

Additionally, start teaching this year and Dallas ISD will reimburse you for all program fees up to $4000! 

To get started, simply follow these steps:

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Pass TXITE Coursework and 

TExES Exams

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School Schedule
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Image by ConvertKit
A certificate of achievement lies on table with small scroll and red apple. Education docu

Transcript Evaluation

SpanTran is our recommended international transcript evaluation service. They have created a custom application for The Texas Institute for Teacher Education that will make sure you select the right kind of evaluation at a discounted rate. You can access their application here: SpanTran Application - Texas Institute for Teacher Education

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